CS124 HW #2

    Friday, February 21

  1. [10] Problem 4.2-2 pg 60
    When looking at the lower bound, we should consider the minimum
    depth of the tree. This represented by T(n/3) which results in log3(n).
    At each level of the tree, n operations occur. Therefore you get a 
    minimum of nlog3(n). log3(n) = Omega(lg n). Therefore nlog3(n) =
  2. [10] Problem 4.3-1 pg 64
    a) T(n) = 4T(n/2) + n
       n/n^lg4 = n/n^2
       T(n) = theta(n^2)
    b) T(n) = 4T(n/2) + n^2
       n^lg4 = n^2
       T(n) = theta(n^2lgn)
    c) T(n) = 4T(n/2) + n^3
    	= theta (n^3)
  3. [10] Problem 6.2-3 pg 109
    You should concern yourself with only the permutations of the three
    cards. So there are 3*2*1= 6 orderings of the three cards.
    Only 1 out of the 6 is in increasing order. So probability is 1/6
  4. [10] Problem 6.3-2 pg 114
    Since each number is equally likely, the probability for each is 1/n.
    Therefore the expected value is:
    E(x) = 1/n (sum i=1 to n of i)
         = 1/n (n(n+1)/2) = n+1/2
         This holds for both min and max numbers.
  5. [10] Problem 6.3-3 pg 114
    E[0] = -1 * (5/6)^3
    E[1] =  1 * (1/6)(5/6)^2 * 3
    E[2] =  2 * (1/6)^2 (5/6) * 3
    E[3] =  3 * (1/6)^3 
    E[X] = E[0] + E[1] + E[2] + E[3] + E[4]
         = -17/216
  6. [10] Problem 8.3-2 pg 163
    a) In the worst case there are n-1 calls made to randomized
    b) The average case random is called 2^lgn -1 ==> n-1 times
       sum of i=0 to logn-1 of 2^i = (2^lgn-1+1/2-1)-1
    			       = 2^lgn -1
    			       = n-1
  7. [10] Problem 8.3-4 pg 163
    shuffle(var array A[1..n])
       for(i=1; i<=n, i++)
          k= random(1,n)
          exchange(A[i], A[k]);
  8. [10] Problem 8-1 pg 168
    a)Let's assume that i and j reference elements outside the interval
     [p..r]. If this is ture, i either references an element less than
     p or greater than r. Since i is incremented once before an array access,
     i never references an element < p. The same holds for j. Since j is
     decremented before the first array access, j never references an element
     > r. Since i is incremented until i>=j and j is decremented until
     j<=i, j is always >= p and i<=r.
    b) j=r only if A[j] <= x, If this is the case, A[i] and A[j] are exchanged.
       The loop is then executed again. Therefore, j is guaranteed to be
       less than r.
    c)Every element of A[p..j] is less than or equal to every element of
      A[j+1 ..r] because as the i and j are incremented and decremented 
      respectively, if A[j] is <= x and i < j, the ith and jth elements are
  9. [10] Problem 31.2-1 pg 744
    |1 3| |8 4| = |r s|  = |26 10|
    |5 7| |6 2|   |t u|    |82 34|
    P1 = 1*(4-2)  = 2
    P2 = (1+3) *2 = 8
    P3 = (5+7) *8 = 96
    P4 = 7*(6-8)  = -14
    P5 = (1+7)*(8+2) = 80
    P6 = (3-7)*(6+2) = -32
    P7 = (1-5)*(8+4) = -48
    r = P5 + P4 - P2 + P6 = 26
    s = P1 + P2 = 10
    t = P3 + P4 = 82
    u = P5 + P1 - P3 - P7 = 34
  10. [10] Problem 31.2-3 pg 744
    T(n) = KT(n/3) + theta(n^2)
    Consider the case where n^log3k dominates theta(n^2), k>9.
    T(n) = o(n^lg7) when log3k < lg7
    i.e when k < 3^lg7 ~ 21.85
        k= 21
        theta(n^log3k) = theta(n^log3 21) = o(n^2.77)