CS254r: Programming Methodologies; Catalog Number: 2767

Dr. Robert L. Walton; Prof. Thomas E. Cheatham

Half course (spring term). W., 4-6. EXAM GROUP: 9

The Official Definition

Investigates program analysis, verification, and refinement; programming paradigms including those for parallel and distributed programming; program development and maintenance environments. This year, in a reversal of roles, instructors will present a world-wide programming environment they are designing (including a prototype implementation), and students will critique this system. Student critiques can be based on theoretical considerations, on comparison with other systems, on practical experience the students get when they try to build application systems on top of the prototype programming environment, or on other appropriate considerations.

Prerequisite: Computer Science 51 and 121 or equivalent.

The course contents vary widely from year to year:

See the 2001 web page for more details.