************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ If you are interested in using our code for clustering-based prediction, we would recommend using the later code in European-temperature-2018b/ rather than this code under European-precipitation-2018/. That code is cleaner, and contains some improvements described in the documentation there. Feel free to email with any questions, Eli Tziperman, Eli.Tziperman@gmail.com ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ Python version: python 2.7 library Requirements: - numpy - netCDF4 - scipy - matplotlib In line 66 - 78 observational data is loaded. Adjust paths and variables: - observational precipitation: l. 66 - 78 - sic: l. 175 - 182 - sce: l. 219 - 226 - sst (Mediterranean): l. 261 - 280 - sst (Atlantic): l. 300 - 320 Uncomment the following lines to save forecast plots or forecast data saved in netcdf: l. 546 - 665 and adapt paths. Uncomment the following lines to save correlation plots or forecast data saved in netcdf: l. 714 - 842 and adapt paths. Program usage: python Cluster_forecast_prcp.py